GreenOK LATGOLYS BRYUNAIS ZALTS humic concentrate 500ml

Biologically active high quality peat extract. Contains organic substances – humic substances 5g / l. For watering and spraying plants. For the treatment of seeds and seedlings.

3.95 .

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• Increases productivity • Improves product taste • Creates favorable conditions for seed germination and root system development, reduces the impact of adverse growing conditions • Improves nutrient penetration into plants • Promotes the recovery of weakened plants • Promotes richer blooms for flowers

Application. Mix 1 cap (5ml) of concentrate with 1 L of water (for houseplants and balcony flowers 1 cap (5ml) of concentrate with 2.5L of water) and spray the plants until the leaves become completely moist or water (see Table for watering doses). Seeds – soak in the solution for 6-12 hours, cuttings, seedlings for 2-3 hours. Shake well before use.

Culture Application time (spraying, watering) Watering doses
Annual flowers
After germination or after planting, continue 3-4 times every 10 15 days. 3‑10L/m²
Perennial flowers 1-2 times before flowering begins and 1-2 times after flowering 3-10L/m²
Ornamental deciduous trees and shrubs For the first time during leaf blossoming, thereafter 2-3 times every 21-28 days 10‑20L per shrub, 10‑50L per tree (depending on shrub / tree size)
Fruit trees and berries The first time at leaf blossom, the second at flower bud formation, the third at 10 days after flowering 10‑20L per shrub, 10‑50L per tree (depending on shrub / tree size)
Strawberry The first resumption of vegetation in the spring, the second at the time of flower bud formation and the third at 25-30 days after the berry harvest leaf spraying is recommended
Indoor plants and balcony flowers March-September: once every 10-15 days; 

October-February: once every 1-1.5 months

water until the soil is moist
Lawns When vegetation resumes in the spring, then 5-6 times 3 to 5 days after regular mowing water or spray 3‑5L/m²

May be used with fertilizers and / or plant protection products – compatibility testing is recommended before mixing the products.

NPK 0.1-0.07-0.2
Total nitrogen (N) 0,1%
Total phosphorus (P2O5) 0.07%
Total potassium (K2O) 0,2%
Humidity 98%
Organic substances 1%
Reaction pH 7-9


Additional information

Weight 0.54 kg
Dimensions 6 × 6.3 × 15.5 cm

GreenOK, GreenOK

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