
GreenOK GREEN BUDDY nitrogen fertilizer (N) 30% 750ml

Nitrogen fertilizer with humic substances of natural origin for all types of plants and soil. Used for fertilizing plants and composting plant residues.
It is recommended to use in post-harvest composting to compost straw, crop residues and improve soil prior to autumn sowing to increase the soil’s natural biological activity and improve soil fertility.

2.93 .

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Nitrogen fertilizers contain biologically active humic substances of natural origin, which significantly reduces the loss of fertilizers, biostimulates the plants and activates life processes. Recommended for fertilizing all crops, improving soil fertility and composting of plant residues.

  • Increases the amount of chlorophyll.
  • Improves soil fertility.
  • Stimulates nutrient penetration into plants.
  • Increases the efficiency of the use of fertilizers.
  • Saves 20-30% of additional nitrogen fertilizer consumption.
  • Stimulates plant growth.
  • Increases yield and yield quality.
  • Promotes favorable microflora in the soil.

Total nitrogen in the fertilizer (N) 30%:

  • amide nitrogen (N-NH2) 14.8%,
  • nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3) 7.7%,
  • ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH4) 7.5%

Application.  (1) For use with the GreenOK sprayer remove the dosing nozzle (cap). Attach the sprayer to the water supply hose and spray the plants until the leaves are completely wet.

(1) Smidzin%C4%81%C5%A1ana

Or (2) Dilute 50 ml of concentrate with 5 l of water and mix.

(2) Laist%C4%AB%C5%A1ana 5L

Water the plants and soil with the resulting solution. Consumption ~ 500 ml per 150 m2 for soil improvement and composting of plant residues.

For plant nutrition first water in the 3-4 leaf stage, then 10 – 14 days after planting or after the first feeding. Subsequently water once every 2 weeks during vegetation period. The fertilizer contains biologically active humic substances. Water the plants in the morning, evening or overcast weather at temperatures up to +25°C.

The dose of nitrogen product for the treatment of plant residues in the autumn depends on the amount of plant residues (200 – 400 ml/100 m2), the average consumption is 300 ml/100 m2.

Additional information

Weight 0.95 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5.5 × 25 cm

GreenOK, GreenOK

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